Rate Payer Assistance Donations Needed
RWA is reaching out to our members for additional donations to the Rate Payer Assistance program. During this Covid-19 crisis an increased number of our neighbors are finding it difficult to pay their bills as some jobs and incomes have become limited or eliminated entirely. The Rate Payer Assistance program is designed to assist other RWA members who might be experiencing financial difficulties. The program is completely anonymous and is solely funded through donations. Since no RWA general funds are used for the program, the assistance program will only last as long as there are funds in the assistance account.
The RWA Board urges you to consider donating to the RWA Rate Payer Assistance fund. During this Covid-19 crisis an unusually high number of requests for assistance have been processed and the fund is dwindling rapidly. The fund is designed for neighbors helping neighbors. So, as neighbors together, we will all get through the Covid-19 crisis.
Rate Payer Assistance donations should be mailed to:
Rhododendron Water Rate Payer Assistance Program
P.O. Box 163
Rhododendron, OR 97049